What role are you playing?

What role are you playing?

None of us watch dramatic plays and think, “I sure wish I could be the underdog in this story.” No one sees a movie and says, “I want to be the guy being kicked around by everyone else.” And yet, how often do we accept the role of victim in our own story? Whatever...
Impatience Over Discipline

Impatience Over Discipline

Have you ever felt so impatient to get to the end of a task that you skipped steps of the process to get there? In some situations, it might be okay to consolidate or gloss over certain steps, but when it comes to making lasting changes within the human heart, every...
Your Right to be Happy

Your Right to be Happy

Sometimes we need to activate the joy in our lives and actually voice the words “I am happy” even if we do not feel happy. Most of the thoughts that come into our minds is a choice, and we can choose what we think about most situations and how they affect...
Do you love excuses?

Do you love excuses?

Maybe you love excuses when they’re your own excuses and you really don’t love them when they are someone else’s excuses… There’s not enough time… They won’t listen to me… This problem is too big… The dog ate my homework… There will never be a shortage of difficult...
I Think I Can’t?

I Think I Can’t?

There are only 2 options when a challenge arises; I can’t or I can. One is negative and the other is positive. A negative thought response, like “can’t”, follows similar neuropathways in the brain and literally cannot allow you to see a solution, even if it’s easy or...
Invest…In Yourself

Invest…In Yourself

“The next time you have an hour to spare, make an investment – in yourself! “Always be improving yourself,” said President Thomas S. Monson. “Set personal achievement goals and stretch to accomplish them. Improve yourself physically, socially, mentally and...