Our Blinding Fears

Our Blinding Fears

On a visit to Argentina one year, a family visited a petting zoo. Not your ordinary petting zoo as one of the open animal pens held full-grown lions. The zoo guide invited her family into the pen with these large carnivores assuring them it would be completely safe....
Are you Addicted or Connected?

Are you Addicted or Connected?

Throughout the world there’s constant pressure to be plugged in 24/7 and leading medical experts are demonstrating that it’s causing serious health problems. A lady in Finland who always had her face in her phone was outside walking one day. Her walk took her to a...
The Problem Solving Power of the Pen

The Problem Solving Power of the Pen

Write it Down Sometimes, no matter how many ways you try to untangle a problem in your mind, you end up no better than when you started. When this happens, many people find success in working with a journal. With a pen in hand, it becomes easier to identify,...
Joy Read March 2021

Joy Read March 2021

Since we know the Internet can be a dangerous place, most of us put filters on the streaming content that comes into our homes. We instruct the filter to keep out things we don’t want our families to be exposed to, and it does as we ask until we tell it something...
February 2021 Joy Read

February 2021 Joy Read

New Year LIfe Directions With a new year, we feel inspired to try things again, to try new things, or even to try stopping things that don’t work. Not everyone picks resolutions to work on, but January/February can be a great time for anyone to consider: in which...
December 2020 liveJoy Newsletter

December 2020 liveJoy Newsletter

The Power of Connections Whether or not we’re aware of it, we create connections with everything around us. We have relationships with money, with time, with health, with God – and, of course, with each other. “Connection is why we are here,” says acclaimed...