Our Blinding Fears
Do you see yourself as the Savior sees you? You have the power and ability to uncover those deeply harmful internal beliefs that bring darkness and uncertainty into your life. You have the power to identify those harmful lies, those lies of darkness, and replace them with the light of your true identity.
Are you Addicted or Connected?
We all do it, but is staying plugged in and glued to our devices causing us to lose connection with ourselves and the people closest to us?
The Problem Solving Power of the Pen
Writing down or penning your problems allows you to visualize them and manage them in a tangible space. Next time you are dealing with a problem or a challenge, grab a pen and paper.
Joy Read March 2021
As with every great story, there’s more to the picture. The hero, as eager for battle as it is, is completely useless until its host decides to turn it on. It operates only by the aware, purposeful choice of the person it inhabits. When active, it can bring strength – literal and figurative – and clarity to the brain and body, but unused, it’s as helpful as a candle during a house fire. https://livejoymentoring.com/
February 2021 Joy Read
January and February are known for maintained or broken New Year’s resolutions which is a great time to reflect on the direction your life is going. Are you on the path to a joyful life and achieving your goals? What can you start this year that will give you great joy next year?
December 2020 liveJoy Newsletter
Connections in our life are powerful—our connections with money, work, and most of all, the people in our lives. Connections give our lives purpose and true life satisfaction.
Love Conquers All
Excerpt: They say “Love conquers all” which is probably true, but real love is developed through fulfilling connections with other people. When we approach an opportunity to love, if we come with a belief that we are complete and loved within ourselves, we create an open space in which to give and receive love without needing anything in return.
October 2020 liveJoy Newsletter
However, though these times are difficult to weather, they’re actually perfect opportunities to step back and focus on what kind of life we are creating in our minds, and thus experiencing every day. In a tempest, the most calm place to be is in the eye of the storm, right in the center – and so it can be in our lives. So how do we find that sense of peace?
Everything You Feel Is Your Fault | Joy Read
When we take responsibility for our thoughts and feelings we realize that every we feel is actually our fault. This allows us to get rid of restrictive thoughts that make us feel we can’t do something or we are not good enough. Learn more at https://livejoymentoring.com/.

live Joy is the powerful, life-changing process of revealing and releasing negative thoughts and beliefs along with their restrictions and self-sabotaging challenges. Limiting beliefs are easily and quickly replaced with principles of truth and light, restoring the power of your true identity, providing greater personal freedom and allowing immediate access to peace and joy.
Melanie Kasper is a certified Life Coach, Mentor, and instructor who has been sharing her unique blend of skills and training over the past 15 years. Her practice, “live Joy Mentoring”, includes personal development training, group mentoring and workshop training classes.
Celebrating over 40 years of marriage, seven amazing sons and 15 grandchildren, Melanie is very real, unvarnished and down to earth and her entire practice is foundationally built upon Christ-centered principles of truth and light. She is intensely committed to serving and helping people uncover a richer, fuller more rewarding life experience to live joy.