Plants and Humans Need Light. Just Different Forms.

In so many ways, people are like plants. We have found ourselves in a beautiful garden, surrounded by all kinds of other lifeforms. We are fixed firmly to the earth, our roots stretching and expanding to grab hold of all the good dirt we can find. And like all vegetation, what we need most in order to survive is light.

Like Plants, We Need Light. Just not the Same Form of It_august newsletter

But though sunlight is very beneficial for the body, the kind of light we truly need is the light of truth, and it isn’t as easy to obtain as raising our heads to the sun every morning. With our complex reality comes a complex world with endless choices, and finding the light our spirits crave isn’t always as simple as selecting A or B.”

“But though sunlight is very beneficial for the body, the kind of light we truly need is the light of truth.”

livejoy August Newsletter 2020
Fortunately, we are already equipped with what we need to find, understand, and embrace the light we need. “Man is designed to reach for and grasp and fill himself deliberately with Truth and Light,” said M. Catherine Thomas. Though our bodies are made of temporal material, our spirits are “not only matter but also energy,” and as the phrase “like attracts like” implies, our spirits are attracted to those things which bring light and joy to our souls.
And so, though this life is overflowing with options, in the end, there is only one choice we need to make every day: will I make choices that will bring me more light, or take me closer to darkness? When you set the goal to strive for more light and truth in your life, the choices you make will naturally fall in line. Your spirit will literally vibrate at a higher frequency in the presence of light, resulting in joy, and embracing untruths will begin to have a dragging effect on your spirit – and you’ll be able to feel the difference between the two. When we really listen to what the spirit is communicating, we will know what to do.

When you set the goal to strive for more light and truth in your life, the choices you make will naturally fall in line.

The key to unlocking this potential for increased light rests on only one person’s shoulders, however – yours. Maya Angelou once said, “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within, but you are the only one who can invite that light to live within you”.

Ask yourself what keeps you from inviting that light into yourself….recognize it, release it, and replace it with something that makes you smile. Restore that brilliant shining light that is within you.
By Melanie Kasper

By Melanie Kasper

liveJoy Founder and Life Coach