We don’t know what we don’t know…
However, wouldn’t you like to know?
The energy of Live Joy life coaching, mentoring and personal development training is encapsulated in knowing and understanding the powerful tools that create very real, true and enduring change.
Consider this simple three-step process of Recognize, Release and Replace.
1 – Recognize stored negative beliefs and untruths
2 – Release restricting thoughts and emotions
3 – Replace former patterns with empowering truths.

What would it feel like to know you own the skills and ability to choose how you think and feel? How much would you enjoy creating what you do want instead of recreating what you don’t want?
By applying these powerfully effective tools, you will uncover…
- Greatly increased self-worth
- Enhanced relationships
- Improved health
- Your true identity and purpose
- Peace, freedom, joy and much, much more
Are those experiences you would like to know?

By Melanie Kasper
liveJoy Founder and Life Coach