LiveJoy Life Coach Mentoring Logo

Take the Next Step Towards Becoming a Life Coach

Gain the tools you need to be a successful spiritual-based life coach with the knowledge and experience required for a purpose-driven life coaching career with Life Coach Mentor Melanie Kasper.

Melanie Kasper

Mentor, Certified Family & Life Coach, Instructor, and Speaker

liveJoy is the powerful, life-changing process of revealing and releasing negative thoughts and beliefs along with their restrictions and self-sabotaging challenges. Limiting beliefs are easily and quickly replaced with principles of truth and light, restoring the power of your true identity, providing greater personal freedom and allowing immediate access to peace and joy.

Melanie Kasper is a certified Life Coach, Mentor, and instructor who has been sharing her unique blend of skills and training over the past 15 years.  Her practice, “live Joy Mentoring”, includes personal development training, group mentoring and workshop training classes. View Upcoming Classes

Want to know more about liveJoy life coach mentoring?

Woman praying


Do you really accept your true infinite worth or do you question it? Do you really feel a connection to God and those around you? Are you wondering about your life’s purpose? When what you really feel is different than what you want to feel, your beliefs may be out of alignment with spiritual laws and doctrinal truths. When you come to understand and align with divine law, those truths can very literally make you free.

Women drinking coffee talking about psychological connections


We require true connections to survive and thrive. When our connections are surface, false, or alternate connections, we experience feelings of low self-worth, often looking to others for validation. Accepting true connections restores the ability to accept our true worth and create more loving relationships. Uncovering what’s really restricting you allows you to release those restrictions and experience greater joy.


The subconscious mind has established patterns and programs that automatically control many of our daily choices and actions. Some of these accepted patterns and programs can sabotage our success, our self-worth and cripple our feelings of peace and contentment. Simple life-changing tools can retrain your brain so you can take charge of your life for good.

Are you ready to update your life?

liveJoy is the powerful, life-changing process of revealing and releasing restricting thoughts and beliefs while restoring truth and light, personal freedom and peace.

In a 60 minute appointment, we will reveal what restricting belief is keeping you from Living in Joy and allow you the opportunity to experience for yourself the empowering peace and freedom you feel when beliefs are based in truth and light.

Faith-Based Life Coach

Training & Certification


Are you ready to accept your calling as a life coach and mentor?  Certify as a faith-based life coach. With this 12 week program, you receive all the foundational training to begin your own private life coaching practice AND the vital personal business mentoring of how to get started. Fill the great need of empowering others to create a joyful life.

Recent Experiences

“This truly has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life!  Thank you for the wonderful experience this has been.”

Ann G.

Intentional Creation Workshop

Melanie has been instrumental in my personal healing process.  She has taught me how to uncover the untruths that have been a part of my belief system.  She has shown me how to replace those lies with truth, light and love.  The change is tangible to me and visible to others.  I now understand that I can be joyful even in moments of struggle


Personal Appointments

“This course makes me want to change and shows me how to!”

Marcy R.

live Joy Workshop

Melanie is a gifted communicator!  The insights I’ve gained from this class will help me the rest of my life.”


Intentional Clarity Advanced Course

“I loved the course and information and am so excited for all the fun ahead .  Truly a blessing and a gift, Thank you

Intentional Creation Workshop

“Melanie has the ability to teach and communicate in a way that shows you how to release blocks that restrict and then how to grow in love and peace.”

Kathy B.

Intentional Clarity Advanced Course