New Year LIfe Directions
With a new year, we feel inspired to try things again, to try new things, or even to try stopping things that don’t work. Not everyone picks resolutions to work on, but January/February can be a great time for anyone to consider: in which direction is my life heading, and will I be satisfied with my destination?

One of the dangers of busy, modern life is that we can become so focused on the daily tasks and demands that we forget that we are moving forward, not just spinning our wheels in place. We surrender to the pressure of achieving the immediate goals that surround us, and the questions of where we’re going – and why we’re going there – remains unanswered. But while celebrating any success, however small, helps us keep a positive attitude, who of us would get in a car and drive simply to put miles on the car?
“One of the dangers of busy, modern life is that we can become so focused on the daily tasks and demands that we forget that we are moving forward, not just spinning our wheels in place.”
This month, consider setting aside time to take a step back from your life and ask some questions, such as:
Am I making choices that will help me achieve my life goals?
What could I start doing today that I would be grateful I did next year?
Are there aspects of my life that could be changed to bring me greater joy?
What kind of life do I want to have in five years? In ten years?
When you have a clear vision of the path you want your life to take, making personal choices becomes simpler. The question “Will this help me progress toward my ultimate life goals?” will be the guiding force in your decision-making. Not all resolutions make it past February, but a thought-out map to your life’s destination can be a tool to use the whole year long, and beyond.

By Melanie Kasper
liveJoy Founder and Life Coach