Accelerate Joy Workshop
Time: 9:00am – 10:30pm
Duration: 12 weeks on Tuesdays
Instructor: Melanie Kasper
Price: $2,800
Location: In-Person & Online
Accelerate Joy is a 12-week personal development online workshop specifically designed to accelerate the clarity and intentional creation to live joy.
Course Description: Each week consists of a group class and a personal one on one appointment allowing specialized training and individual guidance. Upgrade your thoughts and beliefs. Acquire an in-depth look at what you have personally accepted as your subconscious programs and how they are affecting your life experiences. Perfect the use of simple, yet profound tools that easily reveal, release, and replace the beliefs no longer serving you, while increasing light, truth, and joy in every aspect of your life. This is a powerful life skills workshop opportunity of experiences and support that truly accelerates personal development and success.

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live Joy is the powerful, life-changing process of revealing and releasing negative thoughts and beliefs along with their restrictions and self-sabotaging challenges. Limiting beliefs are easily and quickly replaced with principles of truth and light, restoring the power of your true identity, providing greater personal freedom and allowing immediate access to peace and joy.
Melanie Kasper is a certified Life Coach, Mentor, and instructor who has been sharing her unique blend of skills and training over the past 15 years. Her practice, “live Joy Mentoring”, includes personal development training, group mentoring and workshop training classes.
Celebrating over 40 years of marriage, seven amazing sons and 15 grandchildren, Melanie is very real, unvarnished and down to earth and her entire practice is foundationally built upon Christ-centered principles of truth and light. She is intensely committed to serving and helping people uncover a richer, fuller more rewarding life experience to live joy.